Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Duct Tape Crown and Tiara DIY

This wasn't completely a step by step tutorial. I was invited to a murder mystery party and my husband and I were assigned the roles or Mallory and Mike Majesty. I wanted a nice statement piece but I didn't want to pay much. So I went online and printed a crown template and did a simple crown for my husband. Using the same method and a self drafted template, I made one for myself.

Items needed:

  • Poster board
  • Regular duct tape
  • Glittery/Iridescent duct tape
  • Pattern
  • Scissors
  • Xacto knife

There isn't a picture for the first step, but I cut the poster board into the length and height of the crown I wanted to make. Then I covered the front (you can do both sides for a clean look) with black duct tape. Then I covered the duct tape with the iridescent duct tape.

This was the second step. I made two copies of the pattern, trimmed it down and taped it to the to the board. Then I used the scissors to cut around the pattern and used to xacto knife where needed for detailed rounds and corners. 

This was the final look of his crown. Once the details were cut, I taped the ends together for the final look. 

For my piece, I made the pattern in to a lattice shape. I was channeling the Toddlers and Tiara show crowns. For this one, I cut the cardboard down to the rough shape of the crown before putting the duct tape. I didn't want to waste a lot of my tape and reduce the trouble with cutting.  

 Using the Xacto knife, I cut out each diamond cutout and also cut around the outer curve of the crown.

This was the final look of my crown. 

Here are both pieces together along with the banners. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pants Upcycled to Pencil Skirt and Slouch Purse

A few months ago, I went shopping and found a pair of Capri pants that were gorgeous (see below). I loved the brocade fabric in silver and black. Unfortunately the tag was 18 and would be much larger than I wore. I bought them anyway because they were on clearance for less than $5 and I figured I could try my hand at alterations and take them in. I brought them home and set them aside for a couple of months without touching them. Then a couple of weeks ago, I pull it out to get to work and noticed that my size 18 were actually size 8.

Thanks to this wonderful tutorial by La Vie DIY, I was able to quickly turn my fail purchase into something gorgeous that I can wear. The following are pictures showing my steps. 

Flipped the pants inside out and ripped out the seams along the inseam of the pants. 

Once the seams were ripped, I fold the pants with the sides together making a front and back seat curve easy to cut. 

Here is the cut.

I used a pencil skirt I already owned to determine my length. 

I was surprise to pull the skirt all the way up once I sewed up the sides. But the bottom was too tight to walk. 

I used pieces of a stretch leather fabric to add side panels to make it a bit easier to walk. 

Instead rectangular side panels, I cut a triangle out of the sides of the skirt. Sorry I forgot to take a picture. 

This is after I sewed in the panels.

Here's me trying it on. 

Another view. 

Here's the skirt hung up.  

With the left over fabric from the bottom of the pants, I made a slouch purse with magnetic snaps. 

Final view.